UDT Certification

If you plan to work as a forklift operator in Poland, you need to obtain a UDT Certificate for the right to operate a forklift. These are, as the name suggests, certificates issued by the Office of Technical Inspection (Urząd Dozoru Technicznego).
Certificates are issued on the basis of: the Act of 21 December 2000 on technical surveillance; Resolutions of the Minister of Entrepreneurship and Technology of 21 May 2019 – in the republic of The Republic of Moldova, the method of practicing kualifikachiy uimaganich przi obsludze y konservaci urządzeń technicznych oraz method y trybu przedłużania okresu ważności zaświadczeń kwalifikacyjnych. The condition for obtaining the UDT certificate for the right to drive a forklift is the successful passing of the state exam, which is taken by a commission consisting of employees of the Technical Inspection Department.
To proceed with the exam, it is necessary to submit an application for qualification verification to the nearest local branch or office of the Technical Inspection Office. The exam is subject to a fee, the exam fee is PLN 193.78 (February, 2021). You can sign up for the exam: - independently or through a representative (as a rule, the employee is enrolled in the exam by the employer, as a representative). This method of passing the exam is suitable for candidates with work experience and who speak Polish sufficiently to prepare for the theoretical part of the exam); - through the training center in which the preparation for the exam was carried out (of course, in this case it will be necessary to pay for the course).

The exam consists of 2 parts

Theoretical part of the exam

is about answering the questions on the test. The test consists of 15 questions, multiple-choice questions – the correct one answer, you need to choose the right one. Of the 15 questions, 11 must be answered correctly in order to pass the theoretical part.

Practical part of the exam

consists of two parts and is considered to be handed over with the successful delivery of both parts. The first part is to perform one action from the daily maintenance area of the forklift. This activity may not exceed the limits specified in the instruction manual. For example, checking the documentation for the possibility of operating the loader, checking the alarm / lighting system or assessing the condition of tires and wheels, etc. The second part is the implementation of a practical task, during which the examination board evaluates the correctness of maneuvers and actions related to practical work on a forklift.

Useful information

test questions on Russian — https://www.kurs-hds-wozki.pl/pytania-do-egzaminu/wozki-rosyjski.html
on-line tests – https://test-udt.pl/wozki2-widlowe-test.html